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1290 2 Channel Mic Pre Complete Rack Kit

1290 2 Channel Mic Pre Complete Rack Kit
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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


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Updated 12902 channel mic pre rack kit. Each channel is our take on the Famous Neve 1073 mic pre  with 2 preamp gain stage and output amp module to provide 75dB of gain with ease. 


  • As quick and easy to build as our Baby Animal kits as this kit is built on the GIo Between PLUS PCB and IO PCB with most wiring done with 10wire ribbon cable that are provided made up so no shielded cable and only a few single wire connections are needed.
  • No mains wiring to so as it runs on our 48v prebuilt SMPS that can run on 85vac to 250vac without switching. Power supply takes standard IEC power lead so is easy to plug into power anywhere in the world.
  • Di kits used now are the new Fet DI kit which is simpler to build and mount to the front panel easily with a strong Cliff S4 jack.

Feature for each channel 

  • Balanced Neutrik Gold XLR in rear panel which is switched to 1meg Fet DI input when jack plugged in.
  • 48v phantom power switch with red LED indicator for rack XLR in.
  • (All below features work for XLR and DI input.)
  • Phase switch.
  • 20dB pad switch.
  • OEP Input transformer. 
  • Output trim pot with -5dB to 0dB range (with pot knob pulled out -90dB to 0dB range).
  • JLM MIcro 1290 kit with pre built and tested 2 x BAX83NV and 1 x BAX83AM modules.
  • Huge JLM111DC output transformer.
  • Balanced Neutrik gold XLR out on rear panel .

Sound Samples I am not a big fan of samples because if you didn't hear the original instruments sound in the studio with your own ears then really you don't have a true point of reference to gauge the samples against. These samples are more to show the difference between the Dual99v500 (same as this rack kit version) and TG500. NV500 / 1290 samples coming soon but the 1290 sits tonally right in between the Dual99v and TG500 tonally.

All instruments recorded by Matt Redlich with no EQ or compression. Pres had Impedance left centred in the Z detent and no HPF. Pres were used in there cleanest mode with output trim not pulled to allow for gain overdrive.

Drums - Colin O'Reilly. Acoustic Guitar - Ben Stewart. Electric Guitar - Greg Cathcart.

Drum kit -> Pearl Masters Mahogany Classic 4 piece kit with Zildjian New Beat hats and a Zanki ridewith mostly Remo single ply heads.

  • Drum Fill Dual99v500.wma (144KB) (Kick -> Shure Beta 52, Snare -> Beyer M69, OH -> 2 x Calrec CB20c -> 4 x Dual99v500 mic pres -> Cranesong HEDD & OH Audiofire 8)
  • Drum Fill TG500.wma (162KB) (Kick -> Shure Beta 52, Snare -> Beyer M69, OH -> 2 x Calrec CB20c -> 4 x TG500 mic pres -> Cranesong HEDD & OH Audiofire 8)
  • Rock Drum Dual99v500.wma (529KB) (Kick -> Shure Beta 52, Snare -> Beyer M69, OH -> 2 x Calrec CB20c -> 4 x Dual99v500 mic pres -> Cranesong HEDD)
  • Rock Drum TG500.wma (537KB) (Kick -> Shure Beta 52, Snare -> Beyer M69, OH -> 2 x Calrec CB20c -> 4 x TG500 mic pres -> Cranesong HEDD)
  • Acoustic Picking Dual99v500.wma (476KB) (Gibson '95 Blues King -> Neumann CMV551 with JLM mod -> Dual99v500 mic pre -> Cranesong HEDD)
  • Acoustic Picking TG500.wma (467KB) (Gibson '95 Blues King -> Neumann CMV551 with JLM mod -> TG500 mic pre -> Cranesong HEDD)
  • Electric Strumming Dual99v500.wma (782KB) (Gibson Les Paul -> VOX AC15CC1 -> HRM4 Cheap Chinese Large Ribbon Mic -> Dual99v500 mic pre -> Cranesong HEDD)
  • Electric Strumming TG500.wma (782KB) (Gibson Les Paul-> VOX AC15CC1 -> HRM4 Cheap Chinese Large Ribbon Mic -> TG500 mic pre -> Cranesong HEDD)

Mic Pre Samples by JLM Audio

Updated wiring overlay here

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Excellent preamp with silky sound!

Built two of these stereo kits two years ago. Takes some time and concentration to build but the result is very rewarding. Mic pre sounds generous - smooth, fat and silky and its DI is marvelous. My number one vocal and instrument preamp along with earlier JLM Baby Animal dual preamp I've built. (Sat Jul 29 2017, 19:50 pm )

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