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PEQ500A Passive EQ Kit

PEQ500A Passive EQ Kit
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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Product Information
Stock Level7
  • PEQ500A KIT is a full Pultec EQP-1A & EQP-1R type passive EQ circuit combined but with 8 extra low frequencies and 5 extra high frequencies. The BW (bandwidth) control for the high boost bell curve can go twice as wide as a normal Pultec and it can also do one thing I have never seen on any other Pultec or clone do. Pushing on the BW control will switch the high boost to a shelf with the BW control still varying the slope going into the shelf.
  • The New A version has updated front panel graphics and uses expensive C0G caps for all audio caps for an extremely stable long-life EQ.
  • Pairs of PEQ500A kits are shipped with hand-matched inductors, pots, and transformers for precision stereo matching.
  • This kit requires good soldering skills.

Features for each Channel

  • EQ In / out toggle switch with blue LED
  • Electronic Balanced discrete opamp input to allow for large input levels.
  • High Cut shelf from 0 to -16dB switchable to 5kHz, 10kHz, 20kHz.
  • High Boost bell / shelf with variable BW / Slope from 0 to +16dB switchable 1kHz, 1k5kHz, 2kHz, 3kHz, 4kHz, 5kHz, 8kHz, 10kHz, 12kHz, 16kHz, 20kHz, 25kHz.
  • Push on BW control switches from high boost bell to shelf with orange LED lit when in shelf mode
  • Low Cut shelf from 0 to -16dB switchable 10Hz, 20Hz, 30Hz, 40Hz, 60Hz, 80Hz, 100Hz, 120Hz, 160Hz, 200Hz, 240Hz, 300Hz.
  • Low Boost shelf from 0 to +16dB switchable 10Hz, 20Hz, 30Hz, 40Hz, 60Hz, 80Hz, 100Hz, 120Hz, 160Hz, 200Hz, 240Hz, 300Hz.
  • Large JLM111PCB output transformer.
  • API 500 +/-16v and GroupDIY 51X +/-24v compatible edge connector.


Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Lovely and versatile EQ that's easy to build

I built this in an afternoon as a lot of the smaller components such as capacitors are SMD devices and came pre-installed. The documentation is straightforward and easy to follow. Once completed, it worked the first time and sounded wonderful. It's very easy to use, versatile, and makes everything sound beautiful. Yes, the sound is subjective but it sounds fantastic to my ears. Others think so too. While purely aesthetic, that front panel looks great with the vintage styling. Great to see some well-designed Australian products in the pro-audio market. (Sun Jun 25 2023, 18:14 pm )

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